A HOT Lead Generation Strategy

March 27, 2023

In today's post we want to discuss a real estate lead generation strategy that some top producing agents use with great success. It's an idea that req...

In today's post we want to discuss a real estate lead generation strategy that some top producing agents use with great success. It's an idea that requires a minimal investment of your time, but one that can pay huge dividends if you stick to the strategy.15 MINUTE HOT SOMEBODIESPerhaps you've heard of this concept, but if not, let us introduce you to something called "15-Minute HOT Somebodies." It's used by top agents across the country. Some agents may refer to this idea under another name. But the idea is simple:Every day you take 15 minutes to call 2-3 of your hottest leads. As an Espresso Agent pro, these hot leads might be your new expireds, but they can also be For Sale By Owners.We said "every day." That means, you commit to this practice seven days a week. And, let's be honest: anybody can work the phones for 15 minutes a day.FOCUS AND INTENSITY!The idea behind 15 Minute Hot Somebodies is that you commit yourself to an intensive, focused period of prospecting. No diversions. No social media. No emails. No interruptions. It's just you, your phone, your Espresso Agent leads and a belief that you can work magic in a short window of time.Speaking of windows, you pick a specific time to make these hot calls, outside of your normal prospecting time. Perhaps you make the calls at the end of the day, between 5-5:15, for example. And you make the calls from the same location every day. This can be your office or maybe from your car when you pull into your driveway. Or, on the weekends, you might call early, before 10 am so he can get it out of the way and enjoy his weekend. Again, the point behind these short bursts of lead generation activity is to make it a habit, something you know you're going to do every day, in the same place, and at the same time. A FEW HOT SOMEBODIES POINTERSYou can, of course, adapt the concept of 15 Minute Home Somebodies to fit your own business model. But, regardless of how you approach this strategy, here are a few tips for success when calling your 15 minute hot somebodies:

  • It takes focus and single-minded dedication. You have to set your mind to making the calls every day and stick to it. Again, remind yourself, as we said above: anybody can do anything for 15 minutes. If you keep at it, within a month or so (less for some, more for others) this 15 minute window in your day will become absolutely essential to your business development strategy.
  • Make the calls before you walk into your home each evening. A lot of agents choose to schedule their 15 minute window at the end of the day, once they've completed all of their other tasks. They look at it as a high intensity way to get some final prospecting behind them before devoting themselves fully to relaxation and family.
  • This strategy works. 15 minute hot somebodies can be an effective, and profitable way to build your transactions. Successful agents have used the “hot” strategy to secure 1-2 listing appointments every week, which translates to 2 closings each month, or 24 a year. You can do the math on 24 closings in your area.

Like anything, whether its 15 minute hot somebodies or your own prospecting strategy, success is dictated by the degree to which you stick to a daily routine. To be sure, routine is the lodestone for the most successful agents.So, do you have 15 hot minutes to spare?

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