The Relationship Between Marketing and Lead Gen When launching a business, we eagerly network the people we already know: our family, personal friend...
When launching a business, we eagerly network the people we already know: our family, personal friends, colleagues from prior career experience. That strategy is a great way to start and works for a long time, but if we wish to continue to grow, it’s not enough.Generating leads is a necessity if we want to build our business footprint but focusing only on that without integrating your marketing strategy will limit growth. Let’s examine some ways to you cleanly align two crucial aspects of your business.
At this point, you may be thinking about why our discussion of lead generation hasn’t mentioned cold calls, but cold calls are just that, and not lead generation. Sure, cold calls may translate into customers, but for large-scale success, you’ll be better off creating an integrated sales and marketing strategy for keeping leads in the pipeline.
Doug Spak joined Espresso Agent as a Content Marketing Specialist in 2016. Doug brings nearly four decades of experience as a copywriter, blogger, and screenwriter to his role with Espresso. Since joining our team, Doug has actively updated website content, published more than 300 blogs, and created countless social media posts.
INTRODUCTION The benefits of real estate prospecting. Prospecting is an oft-discussed topic among real estate agents. What exactly is prospecting? I...
Top-producing real estate agents have learned how to master real estate prospecting scripts to control every prospecting call's flow, tone, and direct...
Those of you in the real estate profession have chosen the field for differing reasons. Some of you love the hyper-competitive nature of our industry....