Surely you've heard of the old axiom: "It's a marathon, not a sprint." Training for a marathon requires a strategy. You can burn out if you train t...
Surely you've heard of the old axiom: "It's a marathon, not a sprint."Training for a marathon requires a strategy. You can burn out if you train too hard too soon. By the same token, if you wait until the last minute to start training, you won't have the endurance needed to complete the 26 miles.The same type of thinking applies to your career, especially if you're in the real estate business. It's great to be passionate, but too much passion without any control can lead to burnout. On the other hand, if you have a lax attitude toward your business, you run the chance of never building any momentum.That's why real estate professionals must learn how to pace themselves to sustain themselves over the long haul. Here are a few tips:
Remember, long-term success isn’t about who starts out fastest, but about pacing for continued success. You don’t need to be a runner to see the wisdom in that.
Doug Spak joined Espresso Agent as a Content Marketing Specialist in 2016. Doug brings nearly four decades of experience as a copywriter, blogger, and screenwriter to his role with Espresso. Since joining our team, Doug has actively updated website content, published more than 300 blogs, and created countless social media posts.
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