Top real estate performers are goal and results-driven. Most begin the year with a written business plan that might include:
- Revenue goals
- Transaction goals
- Call metrics: # of calls=listing presentations=transactions
Did you start the year with a business plan?If so, this is the perfect time to assess where you stand relative to your annual goals, to take stock of your performance these first six months. How’s your plan working? If you aren’t sticking to your business plan, examine it for needed refinements and tweaks. If the plan is solid and you’ve gotten off track, recommit to working it.Regardless of how successful (or not successful) you've been in the first half of the year, and no matter how busy you may think you are, setting aside time to reflect and adjust on your performance to date is a worthy expenditure of time.Let’s examine some points to consider as you review your 2021 plans for solid productivity:
- Re-visit your purpose. Know what you're trying to achieve before beginning your evaluation. You may want to evaluate your own performance, reallocate resources to better meet goals, and provide leadership in your office or to your team. Either with evaluating your own performance, or that of your team, you may need to reallocate resources (financial or personnel) to assure a stronger second half of the year.
- Recalibrate expectations with your team. Schedule sufficient time to complete your mid-year assessment. If you have a team, set an agenda for the review and be clear about what you want to achieve. Be sure to celebrate successes and accomplishments before moving to necessary improvements.
- Examine your distance-to-target. By the end of June, you should theoretically be halfway to your goals for the year. As such, you should have a clear idea of whether you’ve set realistic goals. If you 're numbers are on track, carry on! If not, now’s the time for a cold assessment of your daily schedule and work patterns, distractions and what’s keeping you from reaching your target. Is there a legitimate reason you're tracking behind your goals? Perhaps it's worth taking the time for a classic SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. But, if you do a SWOT, or something similar, brutal honesty, with yourself and your team, is critical.
- Assess your marketing strategies: By marketing, we mean everything you have in your toolbox to move your business forward. Let's start with a lead generation/CRM platform like Espresso Agent. Used to its fullest extent, Espresso Agent can be a game-changer for agents who commit to prospecting as the best possible revenue-generating strategy. Are you using the dialer? Are you using scripts? Have you employed the Neighborhood Search data? If you're not using a CRM, and find yourself falling well short of your goals, perhaps now is the time to invest in your success. Beyond your CRM, what have you done to build your personal brand, especially in your target neighborhoods. Now that we are in a post-COVID environment, it's time to get out into the community, business cards in hand.
If you haven’t planned a mid-year review, waste no more time. By conducting a business analysis now, you can take advantage of opportunities that may not still exist as the year progresses.Have an awesome second half of your 2021!